
Victory Strategies is a leadership development, training and coaching firm comprised of world-class practitioners, such as Navy SEALs, Fortune 500 Executives, Olympic Athletes/Coaches, TOPGUN Fighter Pilots, and High-Performing Entrepreneurs. We improve organizational culture, alignment, and efficiency through leadership training and team engagement.

VICTORY: achievement of success in an endeavor against all odds and difficulties.

STRATEGIES: plans designed to achieve a major goal.

Our Team

Previous & Existing Clients

Where the best come to accelerate…


Phone: 407-270-3871


Victory Strategies FAQs

  • Unlike traditional leadership development firms that are primarily made up of one type of leader or demographic, our team is intentional with sourcing the best leadership practitioners in the world. Our team members are leaders from the most elite communities and have performed at the highest levels to exist. TOPGUN Fighter Pilot Instructors, Olympic Athletes, Fortune 500 Executives, Navy SEALs, High-Impact Entrepreneurs and the list goes on. Oh, and, your team will actually be working with our team members. No bait and switch.

    Our Team in a Snapshot:

    500+ Years Of Combined Military Special Operations Experience.

    250+ Years Of Combined Fortune 500 Executive Experience.

    100+ Years Of Scientific Research And Academic Study.

    200+ Teams Served And Impacted.

    Team Differentiators:

    We are a strategic partner to our clients/teammates who work along side them rather than across from them.

    Our team is assembled of individuals from diverse backgrounds, each with 20+ years of industry experience.

    Drawing on our team’s group of diverse backgrounds, we are able to get creative and specific with our solutions and implementation methods for our clients.

    We utilize a thorough assessment/due diligence process with each client to understand the specific wants, objectives and areas of opportunities.

  • Our team utilizes a portfolio of assessments and metric-gathering tools to share with you the results and impact our suite of services can provide to you and your team. Our proprietary resources gather qualitative and quantitative feedback from those that engage with our team.

    Upon inquiry, our team can provide you with client testimonials, examples, and data that have proven to be a significant return on investment in the following categories: team-member retention, team-member growth, individual and team performance, team alignment, organizational efficiency and culture.

    “We estimate that Executive Coaching from a quality team will result in a 500% ROI for organizations” –Harvard Business Review

    A study on executive coaching by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) showed the median company return was 700%, indicating that typically a company can expect a return of seven times the initial investment.”

    “Companies who combine coaching with training increase employee productivity over 80%” -Bureau of Justice statistics

    “Companies that offer training alone experience 22.4% increase in productivity, but when combined with coaching that figure rises to 88%” -Public Personnel Management.

    “2/3 of employees say culture is the most important factor when they are deciding to stay with an employer.” -MIT Sloan Management Review

    “Managers describe an average return of more than six times the cost of coaching.” -Fortune Magazine Executive Survey

  • Though we do have standard and methodical leadership development curriculums that we tailor to our clients needs, we primarily strive to customize curriculums, lessons, seminars, and presentations. We intentionally do this, not because it is easy but because it is what will create the most impact and value to our clients and teammates.

  • Yes. Whether it is one of our world-class experiential team-building experiences, one of our strategic seminars, or one of the many different customized offerings we provide, our team will travel to your venue and location of choice to accelerate leadership and create impact.

  • Our team’s anatomy is intentionally designed by compiling the best leaders from the best communities throughout the world. Approximately 50% of our team is former or retired military while the other 50% of our team has no military experience. We created a team with diversity of experience but commonality in elite leadership, we are able to consistently provide our clients and teammates with unique offerings that resonate with everyone of their team members. Many of our service offerings are co-facilitated by one of our team members with extensive private sector experience and one of our team members with extensive special operations military experience. Thus, created an environment where the learner can competently grow and develop from the curriculum that is delivered.

  • Yes. In fact, many of the organizations we work with are privately-held organizations. We value the trusted relationships we build with our clients and teammates. Therefore, if a leader and an organization is committed to growing themselves and their team- we would be honored to work alongside you regardless of how much revenue you produce or how large your team is.

  • Coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential. It is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal, professional or business goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.

  • We know leaders who will continue to develop, grow, and create positive impact throughout the world have a growth-mindset. These leaders never rest on past accomplishments but strive to be better every single day. Insert coaching. Our team is comprised of elite leadership practitioners who do not just preach the value of coaching and continuous development but are also actively receiving coaching and continuing development opportunities themselves.

    By aligning with a coach who has lived, experienced, and been challenged with leadership dynamics, our coaching participants have the opportunity to have an elite leadership practitioner as their coach who has one goal: to assist in the development and growth of their coaching participant/teammate.

  • Our team of leadership coaches have all completed our Victory Strategies Leadership Coaching Certification. Our team members also have leadership coaching certifications from many other institutions in order to continue to develop and grow as leadership coaching practitioners. A few examples of other certifications our team members hold are from the following programs and institutions: The International Coaching Federation (ICF), Institute for Professional Certification in Coaching (iPEC), Harvard Business School, The Leadership Coaching Program at Georgetown University, and many more.

  • After a discovery call to answer any specific questions you may have about leadership and executive coaching, we send each coaching participant our proprietary coaching assessment survey. This survey assists our team in identifying select coaches that we believe will be able to best support you in accelerating leadership and continuing your growth as a leader. It is then up to the coaching participant if they would like to select one of our proposed world-class coaches based on their bio or schedule a discovery call with them before selecting which coach they would like to begin working with.

  • Though this is rare, it can occasionally happen. Luckily for you, service is one of our company core values.

    In the beginning stages of the coaching alignment, coaching participants will receive a coach evaluation form that will provide an opportunity to give feedback to our team and your coach on how the alignment is progressing. If, in the unlikely event you are not enjoying your coaching alignment with your paired coach, you will have an opportunity to reevaluate other coaches on our team to ensure you are paired with a coach that is thoroughly assisting you in your leadership growth journey.

  • Every single one of our team members is regularly involved in or is on the board of one or more charitable organizations. We are regularly engaging and delivering our services at a discounted rate or at no cost with many charitable organizations throughout the United States and world. Please reach out to us at if you are apart of a charitable organization and would like to explore working with our team to accelerate leadership and create impact amongst your team.

  • Yes. Our team of expert leadership practitioners and presenters will customize a tailored message on any and all things leadership to create impact amongst your organization. We offer presentations and keynotes in-person, virtually, or a hybrid of the two.

  • Of course! Please email us at and share any feedback you have for our team members and authors of our Wisdom Articles. By emailing us, you can also request for one of our team members to craft a piece on a specific topic that may be timely, relevant, or of interest.

  • To access our company privacy policy, click here.

Didn’t find the answer to your question?

Please reach out to us at or give us a call at 407-270-3871

Our team will get back to you within 1-business day of your inquiry.