Sharing Power, Understanding, and Risk through "Mutual Support"
How Simplicity Can Lead You to Better Results
How do Navy SEALs maintain the ability to consistently work at a high-risk level?
Compromise is Important-Here's My Thoughts
PICKING YOUR TEAM: Building a high-performing culture
Bad Leaders Part One – Serving & Learning
As a Fighter Wing Commander, one of my favorite recurring events was engaging with our Airmen who were about to graduate Airmen Leadership School (ALS) along with my Command Chief. ALS is the first tier of professional military education for our enlisted force. Airmen must attend this course before taking their first level supervisory position as a non-commissioned officer (NCO). Up until this point in their careers, they have
The Value Of Diversity
Letting Go So That You Can Find Flow
The Art of Recognition
What lessons can we learn from the Super Bowl matchup between San Francisco and Kansas City?
Hint – they are using the Good to Great playbook, First Who……. Then What principle of Level 5 Leadership. For those who have not read the book Good to Great by Jim Collins, the first principle or character trait of a Level 5 Leader is this “First get the right people on the bus (and the wrong people off the bus) before you figure out where to drive it…