New Year, New Tool: The Fighter Pilot Debrief

New Year, New Tool: The Fighter Pilot Debrief

The Fighter Pilot Debrief is a formalized after-action review with deliberate steps. Do you conduct after-action reviews? For what type of events (big projects/product demonstrations)? Is it a formal written report? What is the process?

Protecting your IP: Why you should give a DAM

Protecting your IP: Why you should give a DAM

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed with a cascade of photos, videos, and documents spread across your phone, tablets and computer, you’re not alone. I’ve been working with a high-volume of data for many years as a TV reporter and photojournalist and I’m constantly…

Plan or Strategy – Short-Term Gain or Long-Term Pain?

Plan or Strategy – Short-Term Gain or Long-Term Pain?

Does your organization have a plan or a strategy? Does the plan apply to the strategy you developed? Does it even matter? Leaders conflate these terms and important organizational leadership tools to the detriment of their teams. Corporate graveyards are littered with…

Managing Transitions; Private Sector Considerations from a Military Mindset

Managing Transitions; Private Sector Considerations from a Military Mindset

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. These words seem to define business and the non-profit operating environment. Changing politics, the COVID-19 pandemic, supply challenges, and changing labor attitudes represent only a few of the many topics that leaders must address. However…

Empowerment; How to Focus on the Rising Tide and Stop Searching for Rogue Waves

Empowerment; How to Focus on the Rising Tide and Stop Searching for Rogue Waves

After an event like the COVID-19 pandemic, it is a good time to check our sight picture. While my experience is as an aviator, I will use a nautical metaphor to explain the challenge in this moment in time. After being hit by a rogue wave, our tendency is to…

Lessons learned during times of uncertainty – Time to change habits

Lessons learned during times of uncertainty – Time to change habits

As I look back over time, it seems like there are two types of organizations/teams:

1) Those that have developed a proactive approach to life in all areas. They understand the value of planning, assessing multiple outcomes, risk, place a high value on their health, surround themselves with a circle of influence (people smarter than they are), they are curious and life long learners (they want to be better than yesterday) and they see “opportunities” as opposed to “chaos/problems”.

Staying Active When The World Wants You Lazy

Staying Active When The World Wants You Lazy

Interesting times these days, as our response to COVID- 19 is pushing us into isolation from one another. I am a big fan of less is more when to comes to select extended family and high resource low return business ideas.

Uncomfortable Leadership

Uncomfortable Leadership

Top performers often get a pass on the "little things." My first failure as a leader taught me a humbling lesson that is relevant to this day. It was nearly 20 years ago, and I was…

Cyber Attacks are REAL...Do you have a plan for action or are you willing to just roll the dice?

Cyber Attacks are REAL...Do you have a plan for action or are you willing to just roll the dice?

It seems like cyber threats and attacks only happen to larger companies and organizations (due to the fact the media outlets report these large-scale breaches and outbreaks). The truth is the most frequent threat(s) actually occur in small to medium sized businesses. We actually saw this first hand with a client recently, where they were down for 3 days, result of a virus similar to what impacted The Weather Channel recently…