Every Memorial Day Americans from all walks of life take an opportunity to unite in places all over the world to honor our fallen warriors--those champions of freedom who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. The outward display of this national holiday is flags, parades, insignia, playing of the national anthem, and flowers on the graves of our veterans. It is that one time of year for our collective nation to thank our heroes, and their families and friends, and acknowledge a sacrifice that has allowed our country to sustain a democracy like no other in the history of the world. We, along with a grateful nation, remain inspired by their strength and remarkable courage.

            There is nothing more profoundly American than memorial ceremonies.  Throughout our history, American’s sons and daughters have willingly laid down their lives to strengthen our country and preserve its freedoms. Indeed, the greatness of this republic is founded in their selfless sacrifice. They rest quietly now…beneath chalk-white headstones here at home, or in battlefield graves where they fell, or in the depths of the oceans where they made their final resting place.

            This day, let us take the time to come together as a community and not only pay tribute to the fallen, but pay tribute to an ideal that inspired them; to the ideal that there is something greater than oneself, to the ideal that is America.

            I ask each of you: ”How should we honor them? How can we pay tribute to those laid to rest beneath our flag? How do we thank those who allow us to stand freely beside our flag today?”


Remember how they stood with courage and memorialize their devotion to America and our principles.


The sun will set this day and disappear behind foothills of Kentucky and Tennessee, fall into the Pacific Ocean, and disappear from the plains of Texas to Kansas. In the morning, when it rises, what then? What should we do?


When you see our star-spangled banner waving over your child’s school, at your local shopping center, or in front of your neighbor’s home, take a moment to remember those men and women who gave their lives for the principles that make America great. Upon seeing a Purple Heart license plate or hearing the national anthem at a sporting event, take a moment to remember those who did not survive their wounds…who did not return home…who can never salute the flag or share in the freedoms we experience every day.

These are the acts of remembrance, daily rituals of reflection handed down to us by families of the fallen for generations. Remembrance, like love and trust, only truly exists in our actions. It’s not a place we visit or a simple sentiment; rather, it’s a debt of gratitude that shapes our way of life. It’s through these gestures that the heroes of America live forever in our hearts and in the fabric of our nation.

In remembering, we also celebrate their lives and treasure the freedom made possible by their sacrifice.

Let us pledge today to make a habit of these acts of remembrance as an example for the generations that follow. Each year take a moment to reconvene on hallowed ground and reaffirm our promise to always remember.

Today, as we honor the sacrifice of those souls who fought and died for America, we ask all our service members and their families to accept our deepest gratitude for their sacrifice and service, and we promise to always…Remember.

God Bless America.

Authored By: John Novalis, Managing Director