Victory Strategies

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Why do people hate seeing others win?

Though on the surface you may believe that statement isn’t true, I challenge you to reflect on your initial reaction or the reactions from others around you when they heard of someone who was winning.

If you are the majority, someone around you probably immediately jumped in with a negative comment, judgement, or uneducated perception of the winner’s journey.

Why? Why don’t we applaud and appreciate winners more than we look for their faults?

I have an opinion on the topic. 

I believe the criticism most often comes from envy and disappointment in themselves. Perhaps a sense of jealousy. But most of all, their lack of aggression and commitment to their personal journey to win.

You most likely won’t get a winner negatively talking about other winners because they know the journey and struggles that most often have to be endured to win.

How can you become a winner?

Grab life by the horns. Go all in.

Do not settle for average or what society categorizes as “normal.”

Prioritize what is important to you in your life. If you are not completely satisfied with an area in your life, change it now. You cannot continue to say, “I will do that, just not today.” It has to be today.

If not you, if not today, if not because you choose to- then, when?

 You don’t need the calendar to switch to the first of the year to initiate change, you just need to decide in your life what is important to you.

Here is how I challenge you to move yourself into the winning category (or to stay there):

 1)    Reflect on these categories in your life; Career, Family, Spiritual, Financial, Social, Physical, and Intellectual.

2)    Prioritize them, and make a plan to improve them where necessary, today.

3)    Execute on your plan, however scary or daunting it may be.

4)    Stay focused and reject the critics who do not provide quality points of consideration.

5)    Get rid of the negative folk and surround yourself with people you classify as “winners.”



Authored By: Jacob Werksman, Founder